Larkhall Thistle team photographs from down the years, if you have any information about any of the players or know any of the years the pictures were taken please leave a post at the bottom of the page.
Thanks to Hugh Kerr for supplying the pictures and the names of the players.

Picture taken on the day of Thistle’s 3-1 win against Kirkintilloch Rob Roy in the Scottish Cup in 1974.
Back row, Left to Right: John McKerr, Tom Anderson, John Hunter, Ian McFie, Jack Wilson, Scott McCartney, Arthur Whiteside
Front row, Left to Right: Alan Duff, Alistair Duff, Dave McLelland, John Hamilton, Tam Sutherland, John McCaig

Back row, Left to Right: John Brown (physio), John Hutcheson (coach), Tom Anderson, Martin Mulhearn, John McKerr, Alex. Morrison, John Hunter, Jim McGowan, Jim McLaughlin (coach)
Front row, Left to Right: Alan Duff, Ian Sneddon, Davy Boyle, John Sanaghan, Alan Hamilton, Peter Boyle
Trophies both won same week at Shettleston, The Dryburgh Cup and RJ McLeod Cup

This was one of Thistle’s best ever sides and had a record that was second to none in the junior game. At the time of the photograph being taken, the Jags had played 21 games and won no less than 18 of them, with two draws and only a single defeat.
Back row, Left to Right: Micky Lyons, Hughie Kirkland, John Weatherall, Bobby King, Jacky Bulloch, Dougie Bryden
Front row, Left to Right: Hughie McMillan, John Dingwall, Martin Mulhearn, Andy Campbell, John Doyle, Bert Steel

Back row, Left to Right: Alan Hamilton, Jim McGowan, Tom Anderson, Arthur Whiteside, Alex Morrison, Martin Mulhearn, John McKerr, Stewart Cunningham, John Brown (physio)
Front row, Left to Right: Jim McLaughlin (coach), John Chalmers, Alan Duff, Davy Boyle, Ian Sinnett, John Sanaghan, John Hutcheson (coach)
Back row, Left to Right: Jamie Bulloch, Robin Park, Tommy Coats, Martin Mulhearn, McInnes, Galbraith
Front row, Left to Right: Hugh Rundell, John Chalmers, Jim Roberts, John Sanaghan, Willie Knox

Back row, Left to Right: J Cowan (secretary), Gibb, Miller, Whitelaw, W Marley, Clark, A Marley, S McLellan (secretary)
Front row Left to Right: McGuire, Waddell, Boyd, Dunsmore, Johnston

Back row, Left to Right: Andy Cheek, Alan Sneddon, Bobby Stillie, Mitch McIntosh, Frank McGonigle, Davie Morrow, John Graham, Jim Black, Davy Henderson
Front row, Left to Right: Willie McKinlay (Coach), Davy Booth, Brian Fisher, John Chalmers, Johnny McCaig, Bobby McPhee, Martin Mulhearn (Coach)

Thistle’s Central League First Division winning squad from 1999 – 2000 season.
Back row, Left to Right: Jim Sweeney, Ian Stoddart, Paul Anderson, Ian Campbell, Stuart Thomson, Gary Lynch, Jim McLuskey, Stuart Bovill, Brian Watret
Middle row, Left to Right: Willie McAneny (Coach), Jim Kavaghan, Paul Roberts (Elvis), Willie McCormack, Tony Mitchell, Peter McAninch, Grant O’Donnell, Derek Gardiner, Julie Thomson (Physio)
Front row, Left to Right: Jim Dempsey (Assistant Manager), Craig Digham, Stevie McQuade, Derek Paterson, Spencer Stirrat, Bobby Crilly (Manager)
More Thistle pictures on the next page ->
Interesting point in each of these photos at least 6 of the players were local lads. If you look closely at photo 3 you wil lsee Andy Campbell’s shorts are a slightly different shadefom the others.Andy was rather bulky round the thighs but don’t be kidded he was very fast over the ground and was selected for Scotland when with the jags.His shorts were made at Daks by Willie Wilson who worked there for many years. Not many players can say that.
Great photograph to bring back some good memories with a great bunch of lads.
Spencer Stirrat ..Jags player for 6 years now living in Australia..
Wish the team all the best for the season..
Thanks a lot for the comment Spencer, great to hear from an ex player. Hope life is treating you well down under!
good to hear from big Spenny not the silkiest of players but he gave you everything he had. His finest hour was at Beith in the scottish where he and keeper Danny Hanley were magnificent especially when Beith were kicking down the slight slope!!!! Steve Scott scored with a penalty and we won 1-0 . The natives were not too happy!
In the top photo,the player 3rd from the right in the front row is John Hamilton from Coalburn,not Bobby Stillie.I reckon these 2 photos are from 1971,72,73 approx,as I played for the Jags from 1970-74.
Thanks John, I’ll get that sorted.
Well done John was going to ask at the Ants game but you were missing don’t let it happen again. I remember John Hamiltonnow. Old age is catching up with me.Next home game you are selecting man of the match,
well done jags at last home game pity ek game is off . hughs not the only one to remember jonny hamilton bugger it were all getting old
Your correct exile a small mistake on my part when I supplied the info to Ian for the site with the knowledge you have re this photo and your comments on Tam Coats , Scot Mcartney and Stewart Cunningham who are all no longer with us it would be interesting to know your name as I am sure I will know you from past years. We are trying to raise the club’s profile and get more people interested in the Jags.
I am not sure I agree with your point about Tam Coates hattrick as I had done an article for a match programme about TAM and his son JOHN said the 3 goals were scored at Greenock. Adam Sellars is still with us and I can remember over the years many things happening with Adam .He is now in a residential home with his wife. Good to hear from you.
Your correct exile a small mistake on my part when I supplied the info to Ian for the site with the knowledge you have re this photo and your comments on Tam Coats , Scot Mcartney and Stewart Cunningham who are all no longer with us it would be interesting to know your name as I am sure I will know you from past years. We are trying to raise the club’s profile and get more people interested in the Jags.
I am not sure I agree with your point about Tam Coates hattrick as I had done an article for a match programme about TAM and his son JOHN said the 3 goals were scored at Greenock. Adam Sellars is still with us and I can remember over the years many things happening with Adam .He is now in a residential home with his wife. Good to hear from you.
Sorry to be a pedant, its team photo 1 taken on the day of the Scottish Win against Rob Roy which I think was 1974.
Scott McCartney was carried off
OK mate no problem, I’ve changed that thanks for the help.
Tam Coats- anyone remember him as an emergency outfield player at Dunoon midweek and scoring a hat-trick? A real Larky character.
Adam Sellars got into a spot of bother in the crossing when he was violently seasick over about 10 cars!
Actually, you might be right, I think it was Greenock. Memory playing tricks on me, but was in the right vicinity.
Memories of Adam are hilarious;
causing a riot at Kirkintilloch by being the first one off the bus, into the Rob Roy club and shouting ” any c..t here from Kirkintilloch?
getting thrown off the bus near Shettleston by Danny Napier who thought he was dead;
chasing a whole family round the Bens park for ” showing their teeth at me”
and many others.
Arthur Whiteside is now a senior director at Alexanders in Falkirk .Have met him recently.
RIP Johnny McCaig great servant and his old man, what a character
Peter Boyle emigrated to Australia where he gained 1 international cap for his adopted country.
Was quite a streetwise character for us and for Clyde where he used to scare opponents by sayings like
” Ahve goat a chib doon my shorts”
” Ahve goat a knife doon my socks”
Peter Boyle was indeed a cracking player but if you remember the guy that really made him was a balding 36 plus centre forward also called Boyle Davy was just saying to some of the guys at the club he would have been the perfect partner for current young striker Graham Gracie
Am I right in recalling he played for Third Lanark?
Was not a happy bunny when released and went to Lanark Utd
Jim ” Peem ” MacGowan was a hard as nails all-action left back who weighed in with lots of goals.
Would not have won mastermind, though.
Once turned up at the wrong Leven.
Aye Jim was not the brightest bulb in the pack but what a fullback we nhad to write down pick up times etc for him to make sure he got to games. I think my big pal Willie Anderson eventually brought him to games.
I am posting several old photographs going back to the 60s C/o the club.
One is NOT fit for publication as it has Charlie Hamilton in it, therefore making it x-certificate.
Charlie at away games used to put half a dozen pies in his pocket and eat them on the bus home, slavering all the way.
Couldnt have knocked him out with a mallet.
That will be great mate, looking forward to seeing them and hopefully getting them up on the site.
By the way if you’ve got access to a scanner you could just email them to me if you want, save the postage and you’ve still got the photos.
Exile if you cannot email them to Ian and havenot yet posted them best you post them to me
hugh kerr
35 waverley street,
larkhall ml91py
compliments of the season to you. Its great to recall what were in alot of ways good days.
ok, will do
Ill scan them when I have some time.
Also found a picture of team v Aberdeen East End in either 76 or 77, at Aberdeen ( big park near Pittodrie ) , won 3-0, Gunner scored 2 goals.
Left on the Friday night, great weekend, and great carry-on.
Monty got left , woke up on a boat I understand, Johnston never drew a sober breath all weekend but I nipped a bird and just made it back to the bus.
Re comment about a game in Aberdeen near Pittodrie. In the run in the Junior Cup that ended in February 1977 infamously at Rob Roy , we played a preliminary tie against Aberdeen Parkvale. It must have been circa November 1976· We won 4 _ 1 as I recall and for a change I scored a couple of goals ( usually it was Alistair Duff …poacher supreme) Aberdeen were actually playing Dundee United more or less at the same time as our game was going on. One of them won 3 _ 2 as I recall. The Thistle took us up on the Friday and put us up in the Douglas HOTEL just off Union St. Willie McKinley ran a quiz on the bus on the way up which Billy Henderson won ( well he was a teacher) His prize was a De Luxe malt whiskey box (which only contained a miniature on opening it up ) Could this be the same trip/ game / time? The previous season I remember us being knocked out early doors away at Yoker by 2 _ 1 but not playing any Aberdeen team. Hope this helps.
Your correct John because wee Willie Mckinlay left us the following season and went on to win the Scottish with Cumnock 1n 1979.The game was played at the links playing fields just up the road from Pittodrie.Are you by any chance a tax inspector or work at centre 1 e.k. When I was made redundant from Hoover I worked there for 1 year and I am sure I saw you or your double when I was arriving to start the 5-10 shift. Ali Duff was some poacher he could not tackle to save himself but he could not half take a chance . He averaged 40plus goals every season he was with us. You were not a slooch yourself when it came to scoring goals and I can recall a game at the now defunct Duntocher Hibs where you ended up with a nasty cut on your shin and I was fined £10 by the league for words with the referee who I believe was a Dr. Cathcart who duly reported me as he had not properly checked the boots of the players resulting in your injury. Even if you are a taxman we will forgive you as you gave us many good days when you wore the red and white
HI Hughie, Yes if post 1999 then guilty as charged as I moved back to Centre 1 in Oct of that year. I retired recently and my new found time allowed me to browse this site with fond memories. There`s nowt wrong with your memory as I did end up in the Western Infirmary getting stitched up after the DH game, made worse as ash had not been properly cleaned out the wound. Thanks for the compliments. One regret I have is leaving the Thistle to play for Carluke as I was marrying a girl and moving there. I was naive and should have listened to Chris who tried to talk me out of it !!
my goodness John we have finally found out something good about Chris we are both back in the thick of things again me as treasurer and chris as v.p. It;s always nice to hear from old players and maybe someday soon we might see you at a home game. Did not think you were retirement age but how time flies.
My posting was a wee bit ambiguous. I should clarify that Chris tried to talk me out of signing for Carluke not in getting married. As it ended in divorce maybe he should have. Will be 60 in May so time does fly ! A colleague who retired a year before me was Robert Biagloglowski (known as Robert A to Z ) He signed for the Thistle in my 2nd season from PO Phones, but was often on Johnny s treatment table He too had happy memories of our time at Gasworks PK
I remember Johnny as well I recall we were playing at Yoker in what I think was a Scottish tie the referee pulled Johnnny over to book him for a tackle but after hearing his name said i will let you off this time but don’t do it again.The Bellshill game was a replay which eventually took place after 5 attempts. to play it after we had cleared snow from the pitch.My big mate Willie Anderson picked you up from the station. Sadly Willie is no longer with us.
John, you are correct re the game at Aberdeen.
Didnt you score 4 goals in a crushing defeat of Bellshill on a snowbound Gasworks Park in the Scottish?
Hi, I scored with a header in the 1- 1 draw at Bellshill. I recall they printed a programme but I didn’t keep it unfortunately. I was up in Aberdeen for Christmas and returned to play in the replay which must have been around 28 th Dec. A committee member picked me up at Queen St Station. It was touch and go about the game being on. But it went ahead on a treacherous icy bone hard pitch. We won 5 – 2 as I remember but doubt I scored 4 goals. Possibly a hat trick. I was more chuffed with a hat trick I scored against Glasgow Perthshire in a league game down there on an ash pitch and changing rooms akin to a Beirut Hotel. The two bears at centre back were threatening to break my legs. I believed them! Glad we didnae wash our own shorts.!! So it was nice to stick 3 in the pokey and get it right up them.
Thanks John.
Funny how the passing of the years plays tricks with memory.
Great days.
No game nowadays would ever be played on such a pitch.
I remember the old Perthshire setup very well, can you remember they had a mangy mutt- the Glasgow equivalent of the hound of the baskervilles – chained up outside their “pavilion ”
An earlier or later ( cant remember ) Jags team had their clothes stolen there once.
Yes reading posts on this site has certainly tested my memory and am open to be corrected if I have got anything wrong. I have seen the Jags only twice in the years since I left. Both times they lost so I must be a jinx!! I preferred playing to watching but have enjoyed this nostalgic walk down memory lane. I don’t remember the chained up dog but do remember some bears and gorillas in their team! Somebody did say to me ( think it was Arthur Whiteside ) before our game that Perthshire had played a team from up north a season or so before in the Junior Cup. After the game they discovered their dressing room had been totally cleaned out. The poor souls had to make the journey back up north in their football gear. Am sure Hughie can confirm or correct.